Friday, April 6, 2007

Setting off the first post!

Alrighty folks, the idea behind this blog is to show how you look now, vs how you are GOING to look in a few days, weeks, months. You can (and likely should) remain anonymous. So for me, I need to put on about 10 pounds in the next 6 months. Obviously I want to do this through eating right and lifting weights. I am using this blog/forum as motivation to track my progress.

But this site is not just for me. Please feel free to send me your story with your pic and you can track your progress here as well. It doesn't matter if you are trying to gain weight, lose weight, go for a new hair style, get a nose job, boob job, lift, tuck, teeth whitening, anything!!! The idea here is to show how you've improved.

Like I stated, just send your story, a pic, and what name you want to go by on the site and we can all have fun with it. I am going to let comments run wild (except for pure spam or hate) so if you are going to be too sensitive about that, you might wanna think twice before posting. Send your story to .

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